Thursday, 10 December 2015

Mandatory Reads Nor Want Married Women Married To Fear Lost Because Of Body Problem stretchy

It is no secret that women are eager to have a slim body and a lot of women who become restless after marriage especially after the birth of the baby for fear of becoming obese. Many women assume that their husbands were more or they love and look sexy if his partner is not stretchy, but not every man or woman's husband or wife like that much-so wrote body's since known until marriage.

But if you are still afraid and have a perception like that then there are various ways that might be worth a try even this may be used even if you are already in a state stretched. However, it does not mean you can not keep the weight off. Many examples of women who successfully lose weight with diet, exercise and a healthy focus on the goal. Because ignoring the weight gain is equal to accumulate serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke and other lain.

That women avoid weight gain after marriage, he seven easy and simple way that you can possibly do in order to avoid weight gain weight after marriage, as quoted from Best Health:

1. Eating
This point is one of the most dominant point into changes in women after marriage. Eating in my opinion be the first point that greatly affect women after marriage because the wife sometimes ate in almost equal shares with her husband. This often happens when you dine out or choose the same menu with the husband. Whereas women and men in need of a number of different calorie, where the difference can reach 500-800 calories, depending on activity level of each.

2. Selection of food supplies
Marriage will make the days you change, if you typically sleep alone and cook meals for one person only, now there are couples who accompany you. It also means that you need to have a supply of more food in the refrigerator. If the stock of food in the refrigerator increases and consists of unhealthy foods, this may increase your risk of obesity. Therefore, replace salty foods such as chips and sweet pastries, instead fill the fridge with healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables.

3. Reduce the intensity of eating out
Try to eat your own cooking, in addition to more efficient and healthier, the husband also prefer food made by his wife. Although it seems may not be delicious as food restaurant, but the husband would better appreciate the food made by the hands of his wife.

4. rich buffet dinner
One trick to prevent obesity after both acidic life partner is to prepare meals with buffet pattern. Separate between foods containing protein, carbohydrates, or sayuran.Cara this makes it easier to choose the appropriate food items. Men require more carbohydrates because physical activity levels higher, while women can take less carbohydrate foods.

5. Avoid snacking while watching TV
This habit glance looks delicious but risky. Sitting in front of the TV can inhibit the body's energy expenditure that should be used for long beraktivitas.Terlalu sit in front of the TV and coupled with eating unhealthy snacks like chips, will make you gain weight.

6. Exercising with
Exercise as a couple but aims to maintain your weight can also improve the quality of health and togetherness husband and wife.