Every living being has a need, not least human. Humans have diverse needs. However, virtually every human being has the same basic needs. The basic needs of human nature and a requirement for human survival. Whoever it was definitely require the fulfillment of basic needs.
Failure of fulfillment of basic needs lead to unbalanced, so that the necessary assistance to the fulfillment of basic needs. This is where the importance of the role of nurses as health professions where one of the goals of nursing service is to assist clients in meeting their basic needs. Types of basic human needs that the scope of holistic nursing care that covers the needs of the biological, psychological, social and spiritual.
Basic needs are constantly emerging, although the possibility does not appear in sequence. That is, there are some people with a certain confidence, a hierarchy of different needs than others. Based on the fulfillment of basic human needs, then it can be concluded about the quality about a man's personality development. The higher the person's hierarchy of needs is satisfied, then the person is more optimal in achieving a degree of independence.
According to Maslow, the fulfillment of the various needs is driven by two forces ie shortage of motivation and motivation growth / development. Motivation aims to overcome the problem of shortage of human tensions due to various shortcomings that exist. For example, hunger would encourage someone to meet nutritional needs, thirst to meet the shortage of body fluids and electrolytes, shortness of breath to meet the shortage of oxygen in the body, fear and anxiety is a necessity to fulfill the lack of security, and so on.
Motivation growth / development is based on the capacity of each human being to grow and thrive. The innate capacity of every human being. Capacity was also able to encourage people reach level hierarchy of needs the highest of the actuality of self.
Elderly also an individual who has the same needs as everyone else. Like normal individuals, the elderly also require the fulfillment of biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual. The most fundamental thing that needed the elderly at home, namely: safety and comfort, as well as personal space, (perhaps for the needs of safety and comfort, as well as the personal space of elderly in details will be our posting in posting articles after this, please find our blog after posting this)