How to Cope with Children Who Have a Sense of Hate, Hostility Sense To Friends
As parents we may often complain attitude of our children who showed hostility, resistance, violence and hatred. Many parents have complained that almost every day even every moment her brother or son fighting with a neighbor. Sometimes other people or angry at our neighbors inflicted our children.
Children in expressing feelings of aversion will typically exhibit behaviors such as hitting or biting something or also his enemy.
Sometimes children in this condition also destroyed and burned her belongings, even he could have threatened and scolded those who hated. In addition there are also other indirect ways such as stealing, lying, blur, sleeping and dreaming.
As for hostility, enmity children can be seen in its tendency to antagonize, disputing, hurt, fight, rebel, criticize and reveal the mistakes of others, showed weakness, muddy and others.
From both the symptoms mentioned above, we can notice that not all acts of behavior is a positive personality, but there are also children who have a positive personality, but also there are children who have a negative personality called moody child. They do negative ways to express feelings of hate, for example, by confining themselves, away from other people, strike talk, and a hunger strike. In such cases, the child's attitude fun glance, but is actually very dangerous. This attitude, which inhibits the child to vent their hatred. This is different from the symptoms that indicated child positive personality. Usually the child positive personality will reveal hatred is and after venting his emotions so he get inner satisfaction.
So how do parents to overcome hatred and hostility in children?There are some tips that can parents do to their children if the child has a hatred or hostility, are as follows:
Start reviewing the root causes that encourage hatred and hostility in children. By eliminating the root causes can be ascertained consequently had disappeared.
Try to avoid being dismissed, insulting, degrading, curb, scare, and avoiding the use of violence to resolve the hatred in children. But what needs to be done is to provide direction and guidance that both early and treatment is fair and wise. Thus, a child can understand what you need and do not need to be done without causing reactions and stimuli emergence of hatred and hostility.
Faced children who are angry and resentful wisely, instead of scolding especially rebuked in front of his friends. Muffle way like this is very dangerous, even going further inflame hostility in the child. In the end the child regardless of our control and do things that are not commendable.
A child has a tendency to imitate. Therefore, parents should treat children with poise and wise so bad habits including hatred can move in children. It is also the parents should give children the opportunity to think about his actions are not praiseworthy before imposing sanctions. In this way the child is expected to be aware of his own mistakes.
Keep children from things that can arouse hatred.
Parents should let their children resolve their own problems
Parents should be cautious in revealing the reasons for hatred and hostility in children