Difficulty eating children is a problem that is often complained of parents, especially mothers.Various ways are not as successful to overcome the difficult child to eat. Even mothers often become depressed and stress in the face of the mother is always filled with fruit heart's. Every concerns about the nutritional adequacy of their children. Not to mention if the child difficulty eating or picky.
When the baby is 6 months old, time to start giving solid foods of Breast milk. This is when you should be more careful attention to his diet. Ranging from giving him milk porridge, juice, and then gradually to a more dense texture of foods such as rice team, and so on. Unfortunately, this process does not always go smoothly, there are several causes that give depth to the little hard to eat. This usually happens when he enters the first year. The problem is usually in the form of refusing food, do not like vegetables, just want to eat that's it (picky eater), or suck the food linger. The condition is of course to make the mother concerned about the nutritional adequacy of the small, considering they are still in a period of growth and development.
Factors causing a child is difficult to eat because of physical factors and psychological factors. Physical factors include the presence of a disturbance in the digestive organs as well as the presence of infection in the body of the child.While psychological factors include psychological disorders in children, such as domestic conditions are problematic, less pleasant dining atmosphere, never eat with their parents, or children forced to eat food that is not preferred.
How to cope?
Maybe there are some important notes that are missed by your current Little. Tips feed the following may help you;
1. Try serving food in small portions.
Remember, the small stomach is not able to accommodate food too much, so give it food little by little.
2. Variations food.
Try to make some food menu options, then let your baby pick the food he liked.Usually the child prefers to food choice.
3. Serve with draw
After presenting many options, presented with attractive appearance. For example, scored a fried rice in the mold teddy bear or a small duck. Examples: Unique Food
4. Make mealtime fun
Avoid threaten, punish, or scare the child to eat more. This will make her feel that mealtime is a time that is not pleasant. And it is quite likely to cause psychological trauma for him.
5. Eat regularly
Schedule time to eat regularly, so that the little accustomed to eating time.Similarly, bedtime, bath and so on.
6. Give healthy snacks
After the walk, the little guy likes to explore the surroundings. Especially when entering the age of 2 years, more and more activities. This may make it difficult to sit and eat in peace. To work around this, give him healthy snacks in small portions but diverse. For example, potato balls and meat chopped carrots contents, the contents of fla mini chocolate eclairs, donuts tabor cheese, and so on.
7. Avoid forcing and threatening force in persuading the child. During meal time, minimize distractions, eg turn off the television and keep books or toys from the dining table.
8. Involve your child to prepare food.
For example, by asking for his help to get a fruit or vegetable in the supermarket and help prepare the dinner table. In addition, your children need examples of their parents. If you eat healthy food, the child will imitate your diet as a parent.
9. Avoid giving the lure a dessert as a reward.
This may imply that the dessert is the most delicious food and good for children.In addition, it can increase the desire to eat sweet foods for children. You can provide a dessert for 2 days a week, while in the next week you do not give.Fruit, yogurt or other healthy foods can be altered as a dessert.
10. Limit the provision of drinks in between meals.
Low-fat drinks and fresh fruit juices are important for a child, but when ananda too much to drink, there will not be enough place for food and a healthy snack that can get into the child's abdomen.
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