Thursday, 10 December 2015

Brother and sister Hope: Trick Parents Overcoming Quarrels and Disharmony between brother and sister

"No way .... not, brother does not want a little brother again, later mamah no longer the same affection I"

There are two possibilities when a brother has a sister, namely the possibility of his brother happy and possible older child is not happy. The phenomenon that often happens in real life in a family that is not all happy to have younger brother. Many factors underlie this, one of which jealousy and fear do not get attention. Conditions such as these can be mental stress for the child so before you decide to have a second child should give attention and mentally prepared first child. So what should be done mother as a parent in order to create a good relationship between brother and sister.

Some tricks to maintain a good relationship between brother and sisters
The first step must be a parent is to provide guidance for the first child ahead of time before the second child is born. Give sense to the elder so fond of his sister soon after birth. In addition, the child mentally prepare a way to train and provide a good example. That way children will understand the purpose and reason for loving his brother.

Giving Gifts
The second step you should do is to give a gift to the brother when his sister was born. After you give birth usually close family and friends will come to visit to give congratulations. In addition they usually visit will bring gifts to the baby. Phenomena like this will surely make the first child to feel jealous and uncomfortable. So, to overcome this you should give a gift to the sisters through the intermediary of others. That would minimize the jealousy that ai sister will feel cared for as well.

Do not blame the older brother
Disputes and quarrels between brothers may occur within a family. The cause is a trivial thing like fight over a toy. Under these conditions you as a parent should be a mediator and not blame one of them. Never blame the older brother or even call it as inappropriate. This will make your older child feel depressed. We recommend that you give the sense that a brother should love his brother. That way your child will better understand and not feel underestimated.

Special time
When you give birth to a second child, usually almost all the time was more focused on taking care of the baby. These conditions must make time for your older child will be reduced. To avoid jealousy you should spend special time for the first child. So the older brother will not feel neglected and marginalized. One way you can do that is by taking her for a walk or play with him. This course will keep your good relationship with the child.

Do not overload
In most cases the parents usually give an excessive burden for the first child, either to keep the brother or do anything else. To avoid social jealousy you should never overload the older child with a job that is not in accordance with his age. This will negatively affect the child psychologically perkembanngan creating uneasy relations.
Mental preparation and gives understanding is the most important thing in creating a good relationship between brother and sister. In addition, you also have to be fair in treating both. Do not compare and do not ever take sides either because they could lead to a less harmonious relationship.

Hopefully this article can be useful for older people so as to create a good relationship between the brother with his sister.