Saturday, 12 December 2015

The Importance of Family Role in Disease Bronchitis

In addition to the transitional seasons bring changes in weather patterns will also affect the pattern of disease arising in the community including upper respiratory tract disease and lower respiratory tract, one of them being bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the airways or bronchi in the lungs are chronic. Recurrence of chronic bronchitis may in result of clinical symptoms if not handled. When the airways become inflamed, forming a thick phlegm in the bronchial wall, so there was a productive cough and shortness of breath accompanied chronic chest pain.

Patients with chronic bronchitis in children in the world is estimated at 156 million people and is expected to rise to 223 million by 2025.

The position of the family in assisting patients, is of absolutely necessary while getting treatment in hospital. The family serves as a liaison medical staff and the patient if the patient is not ready to accept the latest developments in the disease. On the other hand, the family also needed by patients in their efforts to provide support to recover.

The role of the family as a communicator to ill relatives can provide motivation to recover by using the same language and everyday wear. Another thing that is considered to affect the motivation of patients relapse of the family support is their knowledge of the patient's deeper character than the medical staff. It supports the implementation of a process of communication that will be successful in helping to convey the message or the instructions of the medical staff.

The position of the family who also may provide motivation for patients recurrence frequency is in the form of material and physical support that always accompany and form of delivery of appropriate communication messages and needs of patients, such as the expression for the patient and a very high sense of empathy for their suffering.