In general, said the child was born of a marriage between a woman with a man with no concerns that a person born to women although it never did keep said child marriages.
The child's health condition is very influential on the development of the child, especially when the child at the age of 1-3 years (toddlers). At this age children have different needs with the needs of adults. Psychologically children need love and affection security and free from the threat. Children need discipline and authority in order to avoid danger, to develop the ability to think and act independently. Children at the age of 1-3 years is a child who desperately need the opportunity to learn to think and make decisions independently. The development of self-esteem requires a personal award, the award was a positive experience in the form of self-esteem, then it is necessary acceptance and recognition from parents and the environment.
Hospitalization in children aged toddler can cause stress, because they do not understand why have to undergo treatment and suffered injury invasive installation of equipment such as intravenous injection. Additionally in placed in an unfamiliar environment with different habits, and experienced separation from families. With experience in these conditions they will show reject reaction against another person, physically response to rejection by kicking or biting, holding the parents and the parents want to remain close to the child. In addition to children's physical responses will show silent reaction seemed not interested in the environment, with the loss of habits and dependence on children will be shown with a sequential reaction, risky tendencies, and if a child is injured or physical pain may indicate verbally aggressive and uncooperative.
If a prolonged state of stress in children is not anticipated can have an impact for the growth and development of children for example: the child will be prone to crying, sleep disorder and regression. In addition these conditions may result in the undermining of fine motor and gross motor skills as well as loss of control in children.
If we examine more deeply the impact of this trauma showed that nurses have a role vital role in the handling of child clients to reduce trauma resulting from hospitalization.
In addition to the above nursing care has another purpose, namely to minimize the threat to hospitalization, especially in children, nurse the efforts made to reduce the trauma of hospitalization is to apply the principles of atraumatic care. Atraumatic care is a form of therapeutic care provided by health workers in order child nursing services, through the use of measures that can reduce physical stress and psychological stress experienced by the client after the child's hospitalization.
The principle that must be done, namely: reducing the impact of separation between parents and children, with family centered, increase the ability of parents to control their children care, reducing injury (injury) and pain, do not do violence on children, and modifying the physical environment.
Efforts undertaken in the form of care facilities implementing patient orientation, rooming-in, participation of parents, providing information to children and parents procedure actions to be taken, provide an opportunity to socialize, improve the activity of play and maximize the benefits of hospitalization. This situation will adversely impact the development of the child, the nurse should be able minimize the impact of hospitalization. Nurses efforts in minimizing the impact of hospitalization in children is a demand as a form of behavior and professionalism, one of which apply the principle of atraumatic care.