Diarrheal disease is a gastrointestinal disease that is characterized by bowel movements soft or liquid and may be just the frequency of water more often than usual, which is 3 times or more a day.
In epidemiologic diarrheal disease caused by the interaction of three factors: agents, biological and customs, where the agent consisting of viruses, bacteria and parasites. This disease can basically attack anyone without exception. With the advancement of science and technology today, the risk of diarrheal disease in every person be not the same, the risk would be very small in people who live well off than those living needy is also the risk of diarrhea becomes smaller in people with a healthy lifestyle.
Clinically causing diarrheal diseases can be grouped in a class of 6 large, namely due to a bacterial infection, poisoning chemicals and poisoning by toxins were conceived and produced, malabsorption, due to allergic or can not tolerate certain foods for example milk, immunodeficiency, or other causes
Along with the progress of time that occurred, this time where women are now much more the woman's career is one factor that contributed to the change of breastfeeding into a formula. Formula feeding is caused by various factors, including: the lack of production of milk produced and the amount of activity of a woman so little time that could be used to feed their babies breast milk or replace it with formula.
Formula feeding poor in infants can cause various diseases in children under five because there are some children who are allergic to cow's milk and also the use of bottled milk to milk formula is is one of the factors that facilitate contamination by bacteria because the milk bottle is difficult to clean. With so many women who work and other reasons, the consumption of infant formula is increasingly rising. The current formula-fed infants reach 30% of the total infant baby at this time.